Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Little Koala

He is a koala, of course, because he clings.

He's not as big of a clinger as he used to be. When Dawson was born, Kellar really stepped into the role of big brother and changed, literally, overnight. He's still really shy around new people, but he's loosening up. These pictures represent the Kellar that I know(well, and a few other privileged individuals), because he's a complete ham/drama king at home. Veeerrry expressive.

The last couple of days, he's been telling me that I'm his best friend: "Best friend, Mom." How. cute. is. that.

(I know, I's a shameful excuse of a post. But remember, I warned you yesterday about the pictures. Just bear with me. I'm sure it'll be out of my system in a few days. Or weeks. The good news is, I still haven't figured out how to take the pictures off my camera and stick them on the computer. So eventually I'll run out of good ones, at least until Matt takes pity on me and teaches me how to do it.)

1 comment:

Farmgirl Paints said...

Great pics of your little Koala:)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you come back:)